      University ... Cologne
      Auschwitz and more
      Nepal and Sikkim
      Joachim Tielke
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Working in the former concentration camp Auschwitz

Since 1993 the University of Applied Sciences Cologne organises work excursions for conservation students to the former concentration camp in Oświęcim, Poland. These excursions were initiated by students of the Institute for Conservation Sciences and are headed by teachers of that institute (Prof. Friedemann Hellwig, Dipl.-Rest. Andreas Krupa, Prof. Adrian Heritage and others). For a number of years, students of other universities are participating, from Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie (Art Adcademy of Warsaw), from the universities of applied sciences of Hildesheim, Berlin and Potsdam and from Stuttgart Art Academy. The following papers will offer some idea of the conservation work as executed in Oswiecim:
  • Friedemann Hellwig: Observations at the Conservation of Movable Exhibits in the State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau. In: Preserving for the Future. Material from the International Preservation Conference, Oświęcim, June 23-25, 2003. Oświęcim, 2003, pp. 38-45
  • Friedemann Hellwig: Erfahrungen bei der Konservierung beweglicher Gegenstände in der Staatlichen Gedenkstätte Auschwitz-Birkenau. In: VDR Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut, 2004, vol. 2, pp. 158-163
  • Alexandra Scholz: Diploma thesis at the Institute of Conservation Sciences of University of Applied Sciences Cologne, 2005, not published
The past of our country is occupying my mind also in Hamburg, collaboration in the Society for the research into the history of Jews in Blankenese (Verein zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden in Blankenese) is an inner obligation. In March 2012 I was elected Chairmon. Being active in this group means more than looking at the past: the invitation to the "Children of Blankenese" got us into friendly contact with Holocaust survivors. My wife and I have already twice visited Israel, we have come to know the country to some degree and have enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of many "Children".


        March 2012  ·   © Legal notice